

Phintella caledoniensis


PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25597
Phintella caledoniensis - ♂ - dorsal view

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25598
Phintella caledoniensis - ♂ - palpal organ, ventral view

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25599
Phintella caledoniensis - ♂ - palpal organ, lateral view

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25600
Phintella caledoniensis - ♂ - ventral part and cheliceral dentition

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25601
Phintella caledoniensis - ♂ - cephalothorax, lateral view

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25602
Phintella caledoniensis - ♀ - epigyne

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: D-25603
Phintella caledoniensis - ♀ - epigyne, internal structure


PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: F-2121
Phintella caledoniensis - ♀ - cephalothorax, antereo-lateral view

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: F-2122
Phintella caledoniensis - ♀ - dorsal view, scale 1.00 mm

PATOLETA, B. (2009)

Description of a new species of Phintella STRAND in BÖSENBERG et STRAND, 1906 from New Caledonia (Araneae: Salticidae). 20 (3): 539-543

Fig.: F-2123
Phintella caledoniensis - ♀ - cheliceral dentition

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