MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12708Nagaina incunda - ♂ - Chiapas: 76km S of Palenque - face. Scale: 0.5 mm
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12481Nagaina incunda - ♂ - Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins - embolus of left palpus, oblique ventro-retrolateral view
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12709Nagaina incunda - ♂ - Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins - palp. Scale: 0.1 mm
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12711Nagaina incunda - ♀ - Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins - Epigynum, dorsal. Scale: 0.1 mm
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12712Nagaina incunda - ♀ - Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins - Epigynum, ventral. Scale: 0.1 mm
MADDISON, W. P. (1996)
Pelegrina FRANGANILLO and other jumping spiders fromerly placed in the genus Metaphidippus (Araneae: Salticidae). Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 154 (4): 215-368
Fig.: D-12713Nagaina incunda - ♀ - Quintana Roo: Kohunlich ruins - Abdomen. Scale: 0.5 mm
SIMON, E. (1903)
Histoire naturelle des Araignées. Deuxiéme Edition. Paris (Roret) 2 (4): 669-1080
Fig.: D-21531Nagaina incunda - ♀
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1896)
Spiders of the family Attidae from Central America and Mexico. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin 3: 1-101
Fig.: D-14306Nagaina incunda - ♀ - dorsal view
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1896)
Spiders of the family Attidae from Central America and Mexico. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin 3: 1-101
Fig.: D-14307Nagaina incunda - ♀ - side view of cephalothorax
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1896)
Spiders of the family Attidae from Central America and Mexico. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin 3: 1-101
Fig.: D-14308Nagaina incunda - ♀ - face and falces
PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. (1896)
Spiders of the family Attidae from Central America and Mexico. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisconsin 3: 1-101
Fig.: D-14309Nagaina incunda - ♀ - epigynum