LOGUNOV, D. V. (2023)
On the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Iran collected by Antoine Senglet (1927–2015). Arachnology 19 (4): 732-768
On the jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Iran collected by Antoine Senglet (1927–2015). Arachnology 19 (4): 732-768
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
New data on the jumping spiders of Turkmenistan (Aranei, Salticidae). 5: 17-53
Arachnoidea.- In: HORVATH, G.: Zoologische Ergebnisse der dritten asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen EUGEN ZICHY. Budapest & Leipzig 2: 311-369
Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae, Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos mit der Neubeschreibung von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und sechs weiteren Erstnachweisen. 55: 64-74
Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae, Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos mit der Neubeschreibung von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und sechs weiteren Erstnachweisen. 55: 64-74
Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae, Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos mit der Neubeschreibung von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und sechs weiteren Erstnachweisen. 55: 64-74
Ein Beitrag zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae, Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos mit der Neubeschreibung von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und sechs weiteren Erstnachweisen. 55: 64-74
New data on the spider fauna (Aranei) of Dagestan, Russia. 28 (2): 309-334
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.
Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at https://arachno.piwigo.com/.
Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at https://arachno.piwigo.com/.
Les araignées de Belgique et de France. Online at https://arachno.piwigo.com/.
Zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos, mit der Erstbeschreibung des Weibchens von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und dem ersten Nachweis von Evarcha nepos für Griechenland.. 68: 10-17
Zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos, mit der Erstbeschreibung des Weibchens von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und dem ersten Nachweis von Evarcha nepos für Griechenland.. 68: 10-17
Zur Springspinnenfauna (Araneae: Salticidae) der griechischen Dodekanes-Insel Rhodos, mit der Erstbeschreibung des Weibchens von Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis und dem ersten Nachweis von Evarcha nepos für Griechenland.. 68: 10-17
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
Aelurillus ater (Kroneberg, 1875) and related species of jumping spiders in the fauna of middle Asia and the Caucasus (Aranei: Salticidae). 11 (1): 89-107
[Fauna and ecology of the spiders of the Apscheron Peninsula, Azerbadjan SSR]. In Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids. University of Perm. 45-60
[Fauna and ecology of the spiders of the Apscheron Peninsula, Azerbadjan SSR]. In Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids. University of Perm. 45-60
[Fauna and ecology of the spiders of the Apscheron Peninsula, Azerbadjan SSR]. In Fauna and Ecology of Arachnids. University of Perm. 45-60
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor KULCZYNSKI, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae). 60 (1): 82-91
Remarks on the systematic position of Hemsenattus iranus ROEWER. 47 (6): 463-467
Remarks on the systematic position of Hemsenattus iranus ROEWER. 47 (6): 463-467
Remarks on the systematic position of Hemsenattus iranus ROEWER. 47 (6): 463-467
Remarks on the systematic position of Hemsenattus iranus ROEWER. 47 (6): 463-467
Die Araneen der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949/50. Sitzber. mathem.-naturw. Kl. Abt. I. 164 (9): 751-782
Die Araneen der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949/50. Sitzber. mathem.-naturw. Kl. Abt. I. 164 (9): 751-782