

Maratus combustus


SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9428
Maratus combustus - ♂ - courtship display to nearby ♀

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9460
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, anterior view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9461
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, dorsal view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9462
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, lateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9463
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, antereolateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9464
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, dorsolateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9465
Maratus combustus - ♂ - living, lateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9466
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, dorsal view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9467
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, ventral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9468
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, anterior view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9469
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, lateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9470
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, pedipalp structure, retrolateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9471
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, pedipalp structure, ventral view showing embolic disc and tegular lobe

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9472
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, pedipalp structure, prolateral view showing finger-like retrolateral tibial apophysis and retrolateral sperm duct loop

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9473
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, anterior view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9474
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, dorsal view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9475
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, lateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9476
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, antereodorsal view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9477
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, dorsolateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9478
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - living, dorsolateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9479
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - preserved, Habitus, ventral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9480
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - preserved, Habitus, lateral view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9481
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - preserved, Habitus, dorsal view

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9482
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - preserved, ventral view of epigyne

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9483
Maratus combustus - ♂ - preserved, dorsal view, variation

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9484
Maratus combustus - ♂ #1 - preserved, dorsal view, variation

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9485
Maratus combustus - ♂ #2 - preserved, dorsal view, variation

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9486
Maratus combustus - ♀ #1 - preserved, Habitus, dorsal view, variation

SCHUBERT, J. (2019)

Three new peacock spiders from Southwestern Australia (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryini: Maratus KARSCH, 1878). 4564  (1): 81-100

Fig.: F-9487
Maratus combustus - ♀ #2 - preserved, Habitus, dorsal view, variation

© Dr. Heiko Metzner 2024