

Heliophanus equester (♂,♀)
L. KOCH, 1867

METZNER, H. (1999)

Die Springspinnen (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae) Griechenlands. Karlsruhe 14: 1-279

Fig.: D-52
Heliophanus equester - ♂ - Habitus dorsal

SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.

Fig.: F-26930
Heliophanus equester - ♂

SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.

Fig.: F-26933
Heliophanus equester - ♀

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com.

Fig.: F-1106
Heliophanus equester - ♂ - Peloponnes, Messinia: Phoinikous, 30°49´N 21°43´E, 28/5/80. Scale: 1 mm

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com.

Fig.: F-1108
Heliophanus equester - ♀ - Sterea Hellas Phtiotide: Theologos (5-30/06), 38°39´N 23°12´E, 15/6/79. Scale: 1 mm

Heliophanus kochii (♂,♀)
SIMON, 1868

METZNER, H. (1999)

Die Springspinnen (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae) Griechenlands. Karlsruhe 14: 1-279

Fig.: D-62
Heliophanus kochi - ♂ - Habitus dorsal


A revision of the genus Heliophanus C. L. KOCH 1833 (Aranei: Salticidae). 40 (1): 1-254

Fig.: D-26282
Heliophanus kochi - ♂ - abdominal pattern


Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Gavarres (Catalonia, Spain) and the adjacent coastal region - part I: 2012-2013. Newsletter of the Belgian arachnological Society 33 (Suppl.): 1-103

Fig.: F-9172
Heliophanus kochii - ♂

SCHÄFER, M. & KRUMM, G. (2015)

Erster gesicherter Nachweis der Springspinne Heliophanus kochii (Salticidae, Araneae) in Deutschland. 50: 57-60

Fig.: F-6416
Heliophanus kochii - ♂ - habitus dorsal view

SCHÄFER, M. & KRUMM, G. (2015)

Erster gesicherter Nachweis der Springspinne Heliophanus kochii (Salticidae, Araneae) in Deutschland. 50: 57-60

Fig.: F-6420
Heliophanus kochii - ♀ - habitus dorsal view

GALL, W. K. & EDWARDS, G. B. (2016)

First records for the jumping spiders Heliophanus kochii in the Americas and Myrmarachne formicaria in New York State (Araneae: Salticidae). 140.1: 1-7

Fig.: F-5359
Heliophanus kochii - ♂ - New York - dorsal

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com.

Fig.: F-1144
Heliophanus kochi - ♂ - Sterea Hellas Phthiotide: Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, 0/6/80. Scale: 1 mm

Mogrus neglectus (♂,♀)
(SIMON, 1868)


Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. 53 (1): 1-180

Fig.: D-1283
Mogrus neglectus - ♀ - general appearance

METZNER, H. (1999)

Die Springspinnen (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae) Griechenlands. Karlsruhe 14: 1-279

Fig.: D-149
Mogrus neglectus - ♂ - Habitus dorsal

SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.

Fig.: F-27037
Mogrus neglectus - ♂

SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.

Fig.: F-27040
Mogrus neglectus - ♀

TUTAR, O. & YAĞMUR, E. A. (2023)

Spider (Araneae) fauna of İzmir Peninsula (Çeşme, Karaburun, Urla), Türkiye. 19 (2): 197-222

Fig.: F-23739
Mogrus neglectus - ♀ - habitus, dorsal view

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com.

Fig.: F-1198
Mogrus neglectus - ♂ - Sterea Hellas Phthiotide: Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, 0/6/80. Scale: 1 mm

METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at https://www.jumping-spiders.com.

Fig.: F-1202
Mogrus neglectus - ♀ - Sterea Hellas Phthiotide: Theologos, 38°39´N 23°12´E, 0/6/80. Scale: 1 mm

Pseudicius badius (♂,♀)
(SIMON, 1868)

SCHÄFER, M. (2024)

Fotos europäischer Springspinnen. Online at www.kleinesganzgross.de.

Fig.: F-27113
Pseudicius badius - ♂

© Dr. Heiko Metzner 2024